Every selfsufficienter needs some way to extend the growing
season. Here the locals tell you not to
put anything other than potatoes and onions in the ground until the 15th
of May unless it’s under cover! In our
case we decided to go for a polytunnel and the aim was to build it using as
little bought materials as possible. A quick look around the various
outbuildings and garden here at Chez Powell turned up a number of things we
could use. So when our friends The Hopwoods (Maz’s blog is listed over to the
right, lots of good stuff there so take a look) came to stay we got to work.
What follows is a “How we did it” rather than a “How to...” as I'm sure it doesn't conform to any kind of poly tunnel norm! Which is just how we like it!
We found the frame work for a large garden gazebo in one of
the outbuildings so we used a long pole as the ridge pole (Is it called a ridge
pole outside of a tent? I don’t know)
We then drilled some holes along the base and inserted more
poles vertically, attached plastic water pipe to act as frame/support for the
plastic film that will eventually go over the top.
We also drove in some chestnut fence posts (left over from the pig fencing) at either end to add a bit of extra support and strength. At the one end they will also act as the frame for the door.
The decision was made to dig out the beds and paths before putting the film on. Not fancying the saunaesque conditions that would ensue with two 30something men digging inside a polytunnel, not to mention the smell! All the turf was given to the pigs and chickens who love to root around in it to forage for greens and grubs.
The following day, we then stretched the film over the top, weighted it down with rocks found around the land and screwed into the frame at either end.
The door was knocked up form some wood reclaimed from pallets and the hinges used were taken from an old door we took out of the house.
We used stones found when digging to create a little border around the beds themselves, just to make it look nice.
Again many thanks to Maz and Matt for helping out. We had a great week and are looking forward to doing it again. Knitting our underwear from tofu next time!! Should mention that, Chells old man helped with the door and finishing the following week.
It has been pointed out that Matt wasn't a thirty something during this project. Mearly a baby at 29!!